Be the best with Attie
Simply, but deeply

Attie Korean class with Kids
3년이나 했는데 한국말을 잘 못한다고??
아무한테나 배울수 없지!
이번엔 전문가한테 제대로 배워보자!
엄선된 교재+재미있는 액티비티
선생님이 개발한 숙제장!
선생님의 철저한 상담과 관리
우리아이의 학습향상노트를 선생님께 받아보세요
Meet our outstanding teachers

Hello I am Mia, director and Korean instructor in Attie Language Academy. I hope you have an amazing learning experience in Attie Language Academy.
Mia Oh
Founder & Head teacher
University of San Francisco
Master of Arts: Teaching English to Speakers of Other languages
Yonsei University(연세대학교), Seoul, Korea
Institute For Training Korean Language Instructors
Certificate of Completion in Teaching Korean
Sookmyung Women’s University
TESOL Certificate
Teaching experiences (ESL and Korean for Adults and children)
for 15 years
Minseon Hailey Kim
Korean instructor
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies(한국외국어대학교), Korea
-Bachelor: English Translation & Interpretation
Yonsei University(연세대학교)
Institute For Training Korean Language Instructors
Certificate of Completion in Teaching Korean
TESOL Certificate
Sydney Institute of Interpreting & Translating, Australia
Diploma of Interpreting
NAATI Paraprofessional Interpreter (Korean to/from English)
(National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters)
Teaching experiences for 6 years for Adults in Korea and China.
Working experiences as an interpreter and vice president at an international school.

Hello I am Minseon, your Korean teacher :) I am so excited to see you in class to explore the world of Korean together!

Hello ! Every learner is unique and different, but I believe anyone can be good at English, with the right direction & motivation. I am looking forward to working with you to figure out together how to best help you master English.
Yeonhee Seo (Gina)
Korean & ESL instructor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, United States
Bachelor of Science in Hotel Administration
- Meetings and Events Management
Parkland Secondary School, Canada
Bachelor of Art
Working experience as an English instructor & Coordinator in Korea and the United States

Hi, my name is Boram Kim, your Korean teacher!
I am so looking forward to having fun and active classes with you!
I hope that I can be a great help in your Korean learning journey.
Boram Kim (Brianna)
Korean & ESL instructor
Ducksung Women’s University(덕성여자대학교), Seoul in Korea
-Bachelor : major in Chemistry and minor in Accounting.
King George International Business College, Vancouver in Canada
- Certificate : IT-K(Interpreting & Translation – Korean)
Certificate of Korean Language Teacher
Work experience as a Korean language teacher in Singapore.
Teaching experiences for over 13 years for Korean students learning English